DISCONTINUED production by the Mfg 2/16/24
Substitution for use in the diet is: Sta-Lean Spray
HCG Ultra Max Drops contains to fight fat, hunger and emotional eating. (for more details, refer to ingredient list)
HCG Ultra Max Drops contains REAL homeopathic hCG and 21 additional ingredients to fight fat, hunger and emotional eating. (for more details, refer to ingredient list)
Use HCG Ultra Max Drops with:
ULTRA Max Drops vs original HCG Max Spray?
- HCG Ultra Max Drops is 2 ounces vs HCG Max Spray was 1 ounce
- HCG Ultra Max Drops is in a dropper form, not a spray
- NO patients tested on HCG Ultra Max Drops had ANY hunger
- HCG Ultra Max Drops is dosed at 12 drops 3 times a day / not 2 sprays 2 times a day. (please do not reduce the daily dose of HCG Ultra Max Drops)
- HCG Ultra Max Drops contain the exact amount for the initial 2 load days and then 1 month on the HCG diet
- Both formulas contain(ed) REAL homeopathic hCG
- HCG Ultra Max Drops contains different strengths of hCG vs original HCG Max Spray
- HCG Ultra Max Drops contains 80% of the same ingredients as the HCG Max Spray
- HCG Ultra Max Drops contains specific ingredients to better fight hunger and the cause of eating disorders
- HCG Ultra Max Drops contains Proteus Bach - a combination of remedies to fight underlying infections
- HCG Ultra Max Drops contains garcinia cambogia and raspberry ketones to better fight abnormal fat and metabolism
- HCG Ultra Max Drops contains 4 amino acids to better fight abnormal fat and muscle tissue degradation
- (SPECIAL NOTE) Use RK Ultra Lean lotion as the HCG product to fight cellulite along with the HCG Diet.
Active Ingredients:
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) 6x, 12x, 24x, 60x, Abies Canadensis 3x, 12x, 60x, Anacardum Orientale 3x, 12x, 60x, Calcarea Carbonica 3x, 12x, 60x, Fucus Vesiculosus 1x, Garcinia Gambogia 1x, 12x, 30x, 60x, Kali Phosphoricum 6x, 12x, Manganum Aceticum 6x, 12x, 30x, Oleander 4x, 12x 30x, 100x, Phosphorus 4x, 12x, 30x, Phytolacca Berry 6x, 12x, 30x, Proteus Bach 30x, Psorinum 4x, 12x, 30x, 60x, 100x, Rubus idaeus 6x, 30x, Sabadilla 4x, 12x, L-arginine 4x, 12x, 30x, Acetyl L-Carnitine 4x, 12x, 30x, L-Ornithine 4x, 12x, 30x, L-Leucine 4x, 12x, 30x, Walnut 3x, Larch 3x, Mimulus 3x.
Inactive Ingredients: Purified active water, 20% ethyl alcohol.